
The Love Manifesto: a unique approach to love from the perspective that love is a lifestyle, not a one time high with an infatuated lover or a romantic get away with your new spouse. This blog takes a life experience approach. I use my experiences,  your experiences, what I read, what others write, observation, etc. to share how love is working in the real world. Relationships are dynamic and unique. No two are alike. That’s why we need principles for life based on real experience. It also is why we don’t need rules. Every situation is different.

Love goes beyond relationships and dating.

Love manifests itself in lifestyle choices.

Love effects our social opinions and world outlook.

Love is not what we see in Hollywood. Or read in Christian liturature.

Love is dynamic, relative, creatable, fluid.

Love can be demonstrated be real experience.

Would you like to share your story? Over the next few months I will be developing a My Story page where I will post reader’s stories to help us all learn from our collective experiences. I can paraphrase and modify your story just enough to make it completely anonymous if you like.

Personal questions or comments? Need advice? Email me thelovemanifesto@gmail.com

Follow my world adventures on Instagram @Jeltown

134 thoughts on “About

      1. Seriously? Ha, what a question. Today, I am living in fear!! Actually, its probably theraputic to write that and just be honest!

        Today, I have finally left Mr Sociopath. Which is so hard. I know that I am leaving utter caranage behind. But – its hard to see that, when you are capable of unconditional love. As I see the person for who they are. Without the messed up brain! (something to do with working with homeless I guess)….

        But….. now I have to practice my own mantra. I don’t know what I fear. I guess meeting another psycho…. so… for today, I think some blogging is going to be some good therapy!! 🙂

          1. haha lol, no it is alright. Some people come into our lives as lessons others as blessings. Surprisingly he was a blessing. And we split officially 8 months ago. But being a sociopath it wasn’t that easy.

            Today we split for good, to go our own seperate ways.

            We ended with love, nothing else, and to be thankful for what we learned from each other. ha that makes me sound like a right hippy!!! 🙂

            But, when things end with bitterness resentment then you just hold those things as part of you. We ended with love. And what we had learned from each other.

            So its cool…… I think I just had a bit of a 5 min… well its strange with a sociopath, they are SO full on. Its a bit bizarre when they are gone totally.

            But, feeling good…. that it wasn’t ended on bad terms. Either party.

  1. I disagree on some of the above (what love is and isn’t), but I like some of the other stuff you’ve said – so looking forward to reading more! 🙂

  2. Hey. I disagree with “Love is not what we see in Hollywood. Or read in Christian liturature.” I do think there are some movies that represent something very special about love. Not just romantic love, but all types of love. Lifetime channel is full of films that speaks about the nature of love, featuring all different types of it along with problems and solutions. But there have been larger films that have and do as well. In Christian literature, ‘loving others as you love yourself,’ speaks of love. How Christ washes the woman of blood’s feet when his followers are trying to shoo her away speaks of love, when he stops the stoning advising people to pull the plank out of their own eye before judging another speaks of love, the prodigal brother story speaks of love… lots of parables and advice in Christian literature I’d say speaks of love. So, I disagree a tad with you lol.

    1. Good points. Certainly movies have some aspects of truth in them. I was thinking of the traditional romantic comedy or chick flick that seems to make it look like they lived happily ever after or every time you mess up you get a second chance. As far as the Christian literature does. A lot of Christian literature. Not all of it. Makes it look like if you just follow if you simple rules like love Christ in read your Bible then you will have a great marriage. In reality the Bible has very little to say about marriage. Most of what we know about making relationships work we learn from psychology and sociology. Some Christian literature does address test. Most does not.

  3. Yep, some movies…

    Oh, romantic comedy. Wait, did I miss that? Okay, maybe I forgot that aspect.

    I hear what you’re saying about Christian literature, but then it depends on what you mean by Christian lit. I assumed you meant the bible. If so, the bible is not meant to be read straight forward ahead but with spiritual guidance along with it. It’s like you’re the the bible is the text and the Holy Spirit the instructional. Read straight forward ahead there are alot of things absent, not b/c it’s not there though. But I would agree that what popular society learns about relationships is from psychology and sociology mostly. It’s the most readily available source of instruction, sure.

  4. What an interesting blog! I particularly like the Relationships Series. There is something for all of us to learn there. Thanks so much, and thanks for stopping by the noontimes blog!

    1. bonjourje ne comprend pas qu’une belle femme comme toi est toujours celibataire, si je vivait sur grenoble j&2178#;aurai bien voulu te rencontre une relation, je te souhaite bonne chance dans tes recherches.a bientot

  5. Hi! Thanks for stopping by MisunderstoodGod blog to ‘like’ the latest. Love is terribly misunderstood too. Glad you’re clearing some of it up. I’ve been married since I was 20, and will have been married 15 years this June! Time flies when you’re having fun. Look forward to all the wisdom coming from your posts. Blessings to you!

  6. There is no topic more vitally important to explore and gain understanding about than what love truly is. I agree that the way that love is portrayed today, is wholly inadequate to the power that true love really has. I’d be interested in the Christian literature that you reference as far as how love is not acurately portrayed: such as CS Lewis’s 4 Loves? Anyway I pray for blessings to you through your writing and that many will visit and come to realize the greatness involved in living a life of love.

    1. I have not read that book. Christian lituraturs often gives good sounding biblical definitions without giving truly practical advice based on science. I think all truth is God’s truth. Phycology and social sciences help us understand human relations beyond the foundations laid in scripture. Some books I read include Sacred Marriage. Sex and the Supremacy of Christ. Boy Meets girl. I Kissed dating goodbye. When God Writes your Love Story.

      1. I absolutely agree with you that science and faith should not be diametrically opposed. I believe (as it seems that you do) that knowledge is a gift and a blessing from God and that science is a way of gaining knowledge. I am not a physcologist, but am fascinated by the subject and have done a significant amount of reading, and when you look at how Chirst interacted with His disciples and others around Him, it seems evident to me that He had a perfect understanding of and utilization of human psychological processes. It is the enemy that takes the blessings of God given knowledge and attempts to use it against us; to drive a wedge between us and God. Again blessings to you and your writings. Doug

  7. Thank you so much for visiting me… Gave me a chance to visit back and read your work. I love reading a man’s perspective on love! Do you mind if I add you to my blog roll?

  8. Holy Cow! Love is a super big topic. I am truly in awe of you for taking it on. I am personally clueless about love but am working very hard to learn. Thanks for your courage.

  9. Thanks for checking out my Blog and the like on my latest post about my Fantasy cast list for the movie version of my life. I ‘love’ the concept of your Blog. My one true love is my husband of 8 years (known to people who follow my Blog as the Future Father of my Children or FFOMC) – he is not romantic but he knows the things in life that really matter 🙂
    Cant wait to work my way through your posts.

  10. Thanks for visiting my site! Your material is right up my alley, and I’m happy to follow your blog as well. Skip.

  11. What I’ve always lived by is that love is an action, not an emotion. It’s what you do for someone rather than just how you feel. I think that might be what’s got me through 28 years of marriage, although I think finding a woman who has the patience to put up with me had something to do with that, as well

    1. For sure. Love is an action that should tend toward strong feelings but sometimes it simply requires pushing through when those feelings are missing. Congrats on the long marriage.

  12. I’m new to this whole blog thing, but it’s been an amazing time exploring and “meeting” some great writers. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  13. Thank you for checking out my blog. This is an interesting subject to explore. I am sure I will be coming back often!

    1. KweenKong – The power of the afrosphere is that we can keep each other informed of issues that impact our community. One boys life was saved this week. Hopefully, we can see positive stories like this in the future as wee.lpeacl, Villager

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog, The List. It’s a bit of a experiment in discovering who I will Love. Maybe following your blog will help me define the qualities I am looking for in a mate more clearly. Or maybe it will help me clarify my own journey. Either way I win. Thanks for putting it down.

    1. define the qualities you’re looking for in a mate is a good exercise. However it is always good to keep an open mind because sometimes what you think you want and what you really need are not the same. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Thanks for reading me. I like your take on love. Rules with love are definitely the enemy but society as a whole clings to them dearly. 🙂

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the “like”. I am finding your blog quite interesting myself. Love, in whatever form, is simply beautiful! 🙂

  17. Hello. Thanks for dropping by my blog and liking a post. You might want to take a look at my other blog: franfromthesubs.wordpress.com Thanks again.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my most recent post. I like your idea of sharing stories. I ask friends to write up their inspirational stories and post them occasionally. Sharing our stories helps is to know we are not alone in our struggles. Happy writing to you. Ardis

  19. What a fantastic approach to the living, breathing, entity that Love is. Thanks for stopping my blog. I’m sure that yours is going to give me some great inspiration.

  20. I enjoyed looking through your blog and completely agree with your “love principles”
    thanks so much for “liking” my poem when i was one… it gave me a chance to find your blog and i look forward to reading more in the future 🙂
    pass on the love and have a beautiful happy monday

  21. If it’s anything we need more of in the world, it’s love. I’ll be writing about Love in the future on my blog; it’s not for a while in my article queue but when it’s written, I’ll let you know. Thanks for liking my blog.

  22. Hey! Thanks for liking “To Be Praised” over at Grace Line Arts! I’m interested in your thoughts here and will definitely keep reading. It’s just got me thinking – if God is love and we are made in His image, I guess we really are love, too. Or… meant to be. I think we fail at that, but at our best, we are all about love. Hm…

  23. Hi! Thanks for liking my blog, Candle & Quill! You might like my other blogs, Cuppanatter, and The Writer’s Stuff. Your blog is a great idea… I believe that, being created in the image of God (who made us, after all, for relationship with him), it’s no wonder that relationships are so central to our existence!

  24. wow! what an interesting blog! I rarely read anything other then autism these days…I wanted to share my love story and how I think it resonates with what you are writing about…(the little i have read so far) I met my fiance after being single for five years. I was busy with a very sick child. I had been in one abusive relationship after another. I decided i was not capable of finding or keeping a good man. so i decided on celibacy for the rest of my life. but then I developed a friendship with this man my future fiance . we had a lot in common as both being conspiracy theorists lol.
    I started having strong sexual feelings twards him and prayed forGod to make them go away.this went on for about two months.. One day he came to my house to say goodbye he was moving to another state and I thought with him finally leaving I would be safe to tell him how attracted i had been to him.
    He ended up staying and we have been together for almost a year now. I believe by keeping it platonic I was able to see geuine attraction from fleeting attraction. He is my soulmate and makes every thing in my life more beautiful.

  25. Sometimes I wish I could think of something unique, interesting and meaningful to say, that would to describe the little skip that goes off in my heart when I read/hear/see something that my spirit knows is genuine and real.
    Instead I’ll just write whatever this is and let the chips fall! Hahaha 🙂
    Be Blessed…Be wonderfully and fearfully at peace

  26. I think the true Love is that one where all meanings of “love” derive from. That one Love is that which is taught by the one true Christian church, not just any one (thus, no hasty generalizations here). Of course, Hollywood fails totally. CHeers and thanks for visiting my site!

    1. Would you say that you cannot show love unless you are a Christian? It would seem to me that some of the most loving people I have met would not claim to follow Christ at all

      1. That one “cannot show love unless you are a Christian”: NO. The existence of that true Love actually guarantees that love may be present in many people who are not Christians. The love correctly related to that true Love will make the same very valuable. Imagine: “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” [John 15:13].

        1. Good perspective. I do not think that you have to be a Christian to understand or have true love. Many people who are Christians have no idea what love is. And many people who could care less about religion are the most loving people I have met.

  27. Hi! Thanks for ‘liking’ my recent post. (Perhaps I should have stopped by this blog earlier…might have learned something before making my mistakes…haha)

  28. Good post! I’d also like to add that love is intentional. It is a decision we have to consciously make everyday. Because of our fallen nature, it has desperately crippled our natural capacity to love. So we have to intentionally, choose it.

    Love is more than a feeling. But,

    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    8 Love never fails.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  29. Great stuff. I definitely agree: love is not an emotion, but a way of life. It’s a perception. It isn’t blind, but actually allows you to see and interact with someone in very meaningful ways. I’m excited to learn more from you.

  30. Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved some of your write-ups.Great work. Keep blogging. 🙂

    1. One thing I have actually noticed is there are plenty of myths regarding the finance intiutistons intentions any time talking about home foreclosure. One fairy tale in particular is always that the bank wants your house. The bank wants your money, not your home. They want the money they gave you along with interest. Averting the bank will only draw a foreclosed realization. Thanks for your post.

  31. Love is a lifestyle, i totally agree! And Love goes beyond romance and passion, beyond any cliche. And sometimes is hard to give love and so much harder to receive it…Your blog, your words and the way you’re thinking really touched my heart and showed me, once more, how precious and beautiful we can be. As long as we’re giving a chance to Love…to shine bright in and around us.
    Thank you for your visit to my blog, it means a lot to me. I’m honored that you liked one of my posts, thank you so much. I love the way you’re writing, your talent is a gift to us, all.

    1. Rules are flat blanket statements about actions. Every action must be weighed in context and must be taken on its own. Rules don’t allow for mercy and for change. That’s why America with 4% of the world’s population has 25% of the world’s prisoners and we still have high crime rates. Because we see everything in black and white and create rules for everything.

  32. Jesse
    Love this concept. I am exploring the feasibility of using a standard text on “Anger Management” and basically telling the other, more positive, side of the story, and calling it “Love Management”. Any interest?

  33. Thanks for the like. I read the piece about humility and totally agree. Being strong and confident requires admitting when we’re weak or wrong. Hard to do, but something to strive for.

  34. This is full of love. Thank you for liking one of my posts in my photograph blog, btw. 🙂
    Keep on inspiring others

    1. Jess – this is a fantastic tip. I think it#;1287&s so important to verbalize (or write out) our financial goals. Concrete goals always yield better results than ambiguous ones!

  35. Hi,
    You have a very interesting blog! I particularly like the Relationships Series. Thanks so much, and thanks for stopping by the my blog – roamingruta.WordPress.com!

  36. Just discovered your blog. I’ve been thinking a lot about the nature of love (and relationships) recently. It’s not the direct focus of my blog, but I feel it’s a central component in our lives.

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